Tips and Tricks to crack online interviews - Rareminds
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Tips and Tricks to crack online interviews

The current COVID pandemic situation has left us all locked in our houses. While most of the economy is run online, it becomes imperative for the companies to onboard fresh talent through online interviews.

For candidates, giving an interview has been a crucial task. And this change of mode from in-person interviews to online can be intimidating for some.

But worry not! Here are some tips and tricks to crack an online interview:

Before the Interview:

1. Research about the company on LinkedIn and company website. This will help you acquaint yourself with the company and understand their expectations from you.

2. Ensure that you have good internet connectivity and a fully charged laptop/mobile. 

3. Wear the entire set of formals. An interviewer might ask you to stand up and present on a topic. You will not want to take the risk of facing an embarrassing moment.

During the interview:

1. During an online interview, remember that the interviewer has the disadvantage of not being able to judge your body language at all. That’s why you have to make sure that you are expressive and confident through your facial expressions and hand gestures. But also be sure not to use them too much, it will show your casual attitude.

2. Be confident. Have a smile on your face. Even if you do not know the answer to a particular question, do not show it on your face.

3. Take time to think. Do not start answering immediately after the interviewer finishes his/her question. Take a few seconds to think and decide the structure of the answer. An interviewer will always appreciate a thoughtful and well-structured response instead of a hasty and random one. You may also ask for 30-45 seconds to think. They won’t mind.

4. Be well-read about the job role you have applied for and try answering most of the questions accordingly.

5. Highlight your past work experience wherever applicable. The interviewers can easily relate to your capabilities if you highlight your experience. This helps them judge your fitness for the role better.

Towards the end of the interview: 

1. The last and the most critical question that is commonly asked is, “Do you have any questions for us?” DO ASK a relevant question. Ask them something related to your LinkedIn and company website research. This shows that you have done your homework and are indeed keen on the job. Trust me. It can turn tables for you! There have been instances where the candidate’s overall interview was average, but this one question that he/she asked made the interviewer offer the job. 

2. Do not forget to thank the interviewer for his/her time before you hit that ‘leave meeting’ button. Doing this would not create any significant impact, but not doing so will leave a negative impression.

Tip 1): If you are going for an interview for the first time, make sure to give at least three mock interviews. 

Tip 2): Understand that the company wants to know you. Show your willingness and knowledge to the interviewer. But also ensure that you do not talk too much. It may look like you are a too self-appreciative person and will not be able to work well in teams.

Overall, be confident and kill it. Once you have followed all these tips and are thorough with your academic knowledge, you are sure to get through it.

All the very best!

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15 May, 2021